Drake is one of the worst enemies the group of hero's has ever faced. He is King evil counter part but with darker powers than him. This villain mostly uses fire and darkness in his attack. For some strange and unknown reason he and his master persue the sword known as the fang. He is also a half shadow. Exempt for those he serves Drake is the worst of the worst.

Yumiko is a strange creature who's species in unknown. She has a very strange power, which lets her teeth sharpen like knifes. While also uhooking the jaw, which gives her monstrous bites. Other than that the loves to kill and devour her opponents. But this is has become such a pleasure they send her into a battlefield alone first. but when not fighting, she is in a full body straight jacket and chains with a muzzle to restrain her. 

 Roga is a swordsman who's skills match Sky's blow for blow. Because of this fact they want to eliminate the other to prove who rules. His powers using his two blades is so devistating he never uses all of it. Even if he uses one percent of his power he can devastate armies without problems.

Shimi isn't a killer infact she dislike doing it. The only reason she stay behind and follows Akito's orders is because she is in love with one of her male teammates. The identity of the person is still unknown. Her top flight speed is seven times faster than a rocket. Her only power, is to focus an element into her palm and slam it into a person.

Akito is the crazy and demented leader of a group of power users. He is completely insane and uses his hooks to latch onto and cut his opponents to shreds. When he is finished, he calls his victim a "masterpeice of blood and flesh" in that sense he considers himself an artist. Not only that he can basically fly with a small jump. Using his hooks and the jumps skill he is the perfect killer.

Yurena is one of the worst opponents that the original heroes first faced. Her attacks where relentless and happened almost on a daily basis. The powers she possesed where of pure darkness and ice. This villain was introduced when negative energy first infected Ruru. While she is a dark mirror image of Ruru, there personalities are completely different. In the months to follow Ruru and her fought like cats and dogs.

Nicodemus is the former Blizzarus captain of the guards. He still commands armies and support of the royal council, making him a deadly enemy. His ice powers rival those of Sky's fire powers. His sword skills are those to be admired by anyone because of his rapid movement technigues. He as of yet has no shadow or has plans to get one.

The Master is one of the most powerful villains in exsistance. He draws his power from the raw emotions of others and from the mask he wears. The place he calls home is a moving dimension which has been named The Darkness. He commands a powerful army of evil being known as the masked ones who draw there power from there makes as well. As a result of his painful and powerful experiments twenty of his masked ones where able to tear there masks in half during there demon states making the powerful Ragnorok.

Pistola Destruir Humano is a powerful Ragnarok who's current intentions are as of now unclear to all those in the group. Her rank among the group in one out of twenty. Because of her number she reports directly to the master and no other. She leads the assassination squad deployed at The Masters will. The mask she commands is Fusil. Its power can break down the bonds anything it touches at full power.

Ciro Devorara Mundo is a Ragnarok that relies mostly on his tactical skills in battle. His rank is two of twenty Ragnarok who serve the master. He usually insults all those around him by saying things like he is the only smart one. He leads the research unit in the Master group. The mask he commands is Muerto. It allows him to create, command, summon, use the dead,  there energy, and there elements.

Uno Castizo Demonio is a strong Ragnarok who relies mostly on brute force and tactics relying to such. His number rank is three of twenty. He loves to fight, to him nothing compares with it. He leads the labratories in the organization. The mask he controls is Diable. it allows him to turn anything he cuts to dust.

Matanza Umbrio Pantera is the fastest in all of the Ragnarok group. His number rank is four of twenty. He is cold and extremely cruel to all those around him, creating an emotion distance. He leads the independent strike squad. The name of his mask is Spiritus. It allows him to control and creat energy at will.

Esqueleto muerte negociante is one of the most powerful of all ragnarok members. her number is five of twenty. Shes usually very quite and not that brave when it comes to others. She leads the unified task force. The mask she controls is Loup. It allows her to posses any being.

Vasta Descion Lararda is one of the strongest Ragnarok within the group. his number is six of twenty. He usually lets his fists do the talking for him. He leads the independent elimination force. The mask he controls is Roi. It allows him to phase though anything or to phase anything from or into a target.

 Cerullain Levaska Chelion is one of the only Ragnarok that can achive flight. Her number is seven out of twenty. She is a very proud and noble member of the Ragnarok.  She leads the independent flight squad. The mask she controls is Chasseur. It allows her to become latterly the perfect predator.

Chevalira le deona is one of the most underhanded in all of the Ragnarok. She has the number eight of twenty. Her personality is very unloving and untrustworthy. Shes incharge of the warfare squad inside of the organization. The mask she controls is Doru. It allows her to control others like puppets.

Empalar Empinado Espada is one of the weakest member of the Ragnarok group. His number is nine of twenty. He usually is very lazy and sleeps all the time. When he is awake he is usually very hot-blooded and short tempered. He leads the independant strike squad under the Master watch. The mask he commands is Corte. Its ability allows him to cut threw anything.

 Silvada Cerrulia Misiga is one of the most intelligent Ragnarok. Her number is ten out of twenty. She is one of the most tacticly minded off all Ragnarok. She leads the interrogation squad within the organization. The mask she commands is

 Chenizail Lacurada Vamprauge is one of the most independent Ragnarok there is. He is numbered eleven out of twenty. His most admirable traits is how he can disobey any order given to him. He leads the free range attack squad. He commands the mask Galgo. The masks ability allows his body to become as hard as any known substance.

Sky khazahana is one of the escaped Ragnarok. He  is number twelve out of twenty. He is the one of the only ones that has been able to escape. His mask is Deltoro. The mask allows him to control all of gravity his baldes touch. 

Dreamia Versilla is the newest of the Ragnarok.  Her number is thirteen of twenty. She is specail because she was once the most powerful enemy of the master Ruru Khazahana. Her mask has yet to be named or sealed.

Marchiovelli Leca Veon is the twin ragnarok of Sky Khazahana. His number is fourteen of twenty. He was assigned the training squads. His mask is conquistador. It allows him to control the matter around his body

 Diseal Cerideal Sheruchi is one of the calmest ragnarok there is. Her number is fifteen of twenty. She personally has not yet been assigned a unit of the masked order. Her masks name is  rikiddo. It allows her to change any part of her body into water at will. 

Sleva Shirriko Sanisha is one of the evilest of the Ragnarok. His number is sixteen of twenty. He is incharge of the assigned capture squads. The name of his mask is martelent. His mask allows him to create a shield zone 

Daruso Ve Rechell is the only Ragnarok to be able to turn fully human at will. He is number seventeen of twenty. He is in charge of the creation division. His mask is hebi. It allows him to to be rebron from his enemies. 

Seridanna Slech Matsuko is  the single most trust worthy ragnarok. Hes number eighteen of twenty. He commands the forge of the masked order, making him the creator of the weapons that the masked ones use. His mask is kinzoku. This allows his body to change into liquid metal and then into any shape while hardening instantly.

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