The Vardant is a winged mech that was excivated from the ruins of an ancient city found awhile back. Its wings allow both a powerful sheild and almost endless flight. Alomst unbleavibly it has a Blast Hydrant cannon thats created by the flaping of its wings while absorbing energy. Its user is Stone of Cyclops Hammer.

 The Core Sniper is designed with a powerful sniper rifle with dead on accuracy. It has never missed one shot or wasted a bullet. The dark paints it has allows it to hide at night perfectly. By using solar energy it has an almost unllimited pwoer supply. Its user is Kurumi of Cyclops Hammer.

 The Giga Buster is a powerful cannon type mech. it has a dual cannon can fire bullets and lasers without causing any real damage to itself. it has heavy armor making it easy for defence but harder to move. Aside from being the strongest mech it is the slowest. Its controler is Hatro of Cyclops Hammer.

Sword Dancer is a blade type mech. It has little armor maximizing its speed and weapons that have little weight.  Mainly using its spear and whip it has little limitations on movement. With this its controler a master of most fighting style is able to unleas most of his devisating moves. Its user is Plow Kun of the Mountain Temples.


The Crimson Angel has a mech form, which allows for both fighting and it still has the speed. This is one of the most powerful mechs in all of the Flarion army. Its wing alow gliding and flight aswell as a powerful weapons, when removed and used as swords. it contains a Charged Partical Cannon one of the most destructive weapons discovered so far. The sword skills can be transmitted to the mech using its Living Drive and Blastia, allowing it to move with true power. Its user is Sky of Cyclops Hammer.

The Z new mech, it was created by the R.M.L on Kabe. This model uses a movement system, which makes the Zero Knight move exactly as the user. No swords are used in this mech at all, the only weapon it uses are guns. Its power source is a powerful new type of blastia that drains the user without killing it. The unique design type makes fore unbeleivible speeds and power. Its controler is Ace

Anubis is the newest and one of the most powerful mechs in the Medusa Cascade.  Its awings allow for flight speeds of over nine hundred miles per hour. The blades on the arms allow for fighting even after its weapons have been destroyed on broken. Its spear is a strong weapon that when throw can peice trough almost anything and with its thrusters can make it move faster and retrun to the mech. The tail can also be used for a whip so it can either be used as a weapon or a type or something for optimal movement. Its user is Sun of the R.M.L.

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