Sky is the leader of Cyclops Hammer, one of the top ten guilds. He is the lover of Ruru and her Chevalier. With powers over fire like shooting fireballs and breathing flames. He uses a blade charged with thunder named Muilnear. He can also foucus his energy into blasts or "spirit shells" expelled from his hands.

Ruru is second in command of Cyclops hammer. She is the princess of the frozen world Blizarus. With control of all elements but her most powerful is ice. With her new shadow Oni she is becoming stronger by the day. Not to mention she is the lover of Sky. Her blade is Fenrir, with control of ice. She also has powers that are only usable to shadows.

King is a dragon who is not the leader of the group but he is one of the strongest. He has an almost unstoppable dragon form. His sword is Fang a powerful blade who's abilities are still unknown. But he has a very dark evil side named Drake. The full extent and element control of his powers are unknown. His scales give off a warmth that is loved by Ai.


Ai is the daughter of Sky's sister Sun. But she gave Ai to sky when she was first born for protection. So far she has only inhearted one power, called photon and the family strength. Her shadow is Megladon the grand shark. For one thing she loves King's scales and hot coco. All that can be said now is that as she grows older, she shows promise of being one of the best.

Rizu is the son of Ryoji and Ayaka. His powers are of the element, lightning and electricty. Allowing him to create thunder balls and non-stop streams of lightning. It also lets him turn into electricity, which allows him transport to anywhere using energy. And with his shadow Neko's mastery of the element millions of new spells and abilities will be opened up to him. He can also summon up to three crows unlike his father.

 Ryoji is one of Sky's last three remaining true family members. As such he has the ability to aces the Hollow and mygik. While he has all of this he mainly uses the element of air. He commands the raptor shadow Yura, using her abilities allows flight at mach speeds. His son is Rizu and wife Ayaka. He can summon crows just like his son. He can summon up to twenty, while Rizu can only summon three. For some unknown reason he doesn't trust Sky.

 Ayaka is  Ruru's only true relative by blood. She also has unlimited acess to Ruru's ice powers without problems. Not only that but she is also very skilled in hypnotic arts. Her son is Rizu and her husband is Ryoji. Just like her husband she doesn't have a shadow and wishes for one. But unlike her husband and son, she doesn't have a summon. Where she lacks in physical strength she makes up for in mental and magical strength.

Sun is one of the last of Sky's family. Her powers are over plants and nature giving her endless attack posbilities. She has a strange knack for getting into trouble very often. Her daughter is Ai who is unaware of that fact. Her shadow is Shuro a sting ray. One thing that can be said is that she loves to push people over the edge.

Kyo is Sky's second apprentice and even though she has a boys name she is a girl. Her powers are extremely strong and is one of the strongest in the guild. Unlike her master she uses a scythe and is training with swords. She is a vampire, making it harder for Sky to teach her holy attacks and abilities used by the living. But Sky and Kyo share a bond that is like family. Now she possess a shadow Rito. She also has a daughter Wolve. Her lover is Night

Bat is one of the most trusted members in the guild. His weapon is a bow and arrow which he is very skilled at using. He can use his powers and put elements into his arrows making him a formidable foe. Along with his arrow tricks he is a master at the weapon and its skills. Also he is one of Sky's best freinds.

Night is the newest to the group. He is also Kyo's second teacher. Like Kyo he is a vampire there for might posses the same abilities. He is also a healer which is very useful in all battles. From only a single battle with him Sky holds him in the utmost respect. He as of yet is not in the guild. His shadow is Mimiki.

Mi (left) is the older of the twins. Like her younger brother she has no shadow. She inherited Sky's demon side and his fire powers. Therefore getting his jet black wings. But unlike him she go Ruru's personality and her inteligence. The twins have a unique physic link keeping them in constant telepathic communication. The personal power she contains is the ability to bend others attacks.  

Aki (right) is the younger of the twins. Like his older sister he has no shadow. He has inherited Ruru's demon side and her ice powers. Therefore getting her white butterfly wings. He inherited Sky's hot headed attitude and the fact that he never really thinks things trough. One thing he hates about being a mystic twin is his sister being able to read and hear his thoughts at anytime. His own personal power is the ability to walk trough solid objects and matter.

 Ikkaika is the newest addition to the guild.  He can project wormholes, can transform at will, and controls the crystal x dragon. his weapon is the twin blade crystal x scythe. When in the guild initiation fight he saw was nearly destroyed by sky's true demonic form. One of his abilities is to absorb elemental powers. He also owns the tri-elemental gun. In one of his forms everything freezes even the air.

Kurumi is the older of two sisters. She is from the planet Flarus, but has no fire abilities what so ever. like most of her family shes a top scientist and technician. Usually gungho, a short temper, and the one to throw the fisrt punch her anger sometimes gets the better of her. One of her best skills is creating things using old technology. Like Sky and her sister Hatro, Kurumi is a top mech controller with her Core Sniper

Hatro is the younger sister of Kurumi and liker her sister is from Flarus. Unlike her sister her fire powers are the strongest in their family. She is a scientist like most of her family, but she usually plans, repairs, and creates the mechs using her powers to help. Hatro is usually quiet and shy, making it hard for her to do much. She to is a top mech controller with her Giga Buster. This sister is responcable for creating most of the guilds technology and the D.N.A system.

Stone is Sky's brother and a Khazahana sword style master. As of right now he is a nomad, but is somewhere in the mountain region. His powers are of earth and allow him to become sand. Unlike his brother stone is a raccoon dog demon.  At the moment his son is staying with Sky and Ruru at the manor until he can rejoin his father in there journeys. Stone is also known as the twin fang killer.

Raiga is one of the few reapers in the guild. He is an extremely powerful with the element of air, allowing him to have almost unlimited uses for many things. Raiga is scythe user, like other reapers he uses a living weapon whos name is Slyph. His mother is Murete the queen of the reapers and death herself. Raiga is one of the few sane people inside the guild and the voice of reason. His sons names his Zypher who is half reaper half living weapon. 

Zaikudo Ryuu Raiden, the Lunar Prince of The Solstice Kingdom, his title is Zaikudo The Envoy of Destruction. His armaments include his swords, "Saiyo The Crescent Curse" as well as "Seunkyo The Wind Shadow." His third armament which remains a secret to only skilled fighters he deems worthy. His race; A Seraphim, Vampire, and a Crescent Viper (Evolution of the Lunar Wolf). He controls the elements of Ice, Wind, Lightning, and Crescent. 

My name is Blackheart. I rule over terra mosa the place i was born and raised. I control elements as well as light and shadow. If your ever looking for weapons training I'll help with that. 

 Jair is the last known living member of his village and his specific species. He has, overtime, aqquired a demon named Chrono, a Goddess named terra, and a vampire side. He was born with a guardian demon named Nuu but alas, Nuu was killed protecting one of Jair's friends. Uvuur was then born and is currently his strongest form. Jair is the Reaper of Earth and Healing and carries the unique Scythe named Terra.

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