Typoon is a gravity type summon. Its grill and armor allows it to creat a field of energy in which gravity can become weaker or greater.  The armor that is the summons arm can gather in and fire gravity in a burst like a cannon

Titan is an earth type summon. Its body can break apart reform and change at will by absorbing the earth around it. Its physical strength out mactches all other summons.

Shiva is an ice type summon. its large body works against most attacks physical or magical. It control bursts of ice so powerful it could even freeze the atmosphere. 

Phoenix is a fire type summon. Its inferno created body can control and break into fire. It can also enter a thing super heating and destroying it from the inside.

Giga Phoenix is a upgraded fire summon. It has the ability to control all fire and heat around it. This summon can even fire itself like a rocket burning and destroying enemies.  It can also fire out controled bursts energy like a cannon.

Odin is an energy type summon. With its stead it can fly allowing for hundreds off attack possibilities. Its lance can draw in energy and disrupt an enemies energy when stabbing it.

Meteor Master is a celestial type summon. Once active this summon goes right into the sky and lets out a magnetic field attracting small meteor to attack the enemy. All meteors are to small to cause any real damage to the planet. 

Ixion is a lightning type summon. Its large wings allow for flight aswell as lightning absorption which flows into the horn on its head. In doing so it can use the lightning for a balded attack on a wave attack.

Ixion Zero is an upgraded lightning type summon. Its duel wings work not only for gathering lightning but they now work for creating sheild and sending out waves of energy. Its bladed horn can work as a large blade to take down large amounts of enemies swell as work as a lance. 

Ifrit is a fire type summon. It has the ability to super heat any object he touches even for a second destyoing them. It can also summon a large ball of blazing energy firing it like bullet.

Bismarck is a water type summon. This summon forms from the ground in a giant pillar of water sending enemies up throttling and ripping them to shreds. Its water abilities allow it to fly in the sky like in the ocean and absorb the water in other beings.

Atomos is a celestial type summon. This large being works with a black hole system so that whenever he opens his eye everything around him but the summoner is sucked up. Depending on how you use this summon you may end up destroying everything around you aswell as killing hundreds.

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