Welcome all guild members to Cyclops Hammer. This guild was created and exists for many reasons. But all that later here is where you review your status and progress. As well as getting new missions or just hanging out. But welcome to my guild where you can be understood and become the best. To talk about job completion and accepting one talk to me the guild leader sky at www.skyways.chatango.com


name: Akito "fang" Muzushi

powers: air jump, beast wrath.

shadow: Ba'ul

age: 19

last known location: The capital city of ZE Rushi

crimes: murder, black mail, rape, grad theft auto, armed robbery, robbery, reckless endagerment, hijacking, terrorism.

The village of Harun has been over run with strange giant beasts from the ruins nearby. For three nights these mosters have been devouring the villagers children. Be  warned very dangerous use extreme caution during battle. Upon extermination of the monsters you will bw payed four thousand.

 Warning this monster has escaped from his prison. Be advised the three heads have diffrent elements. Its location is the gates of Raymora Copram. Is wanted alive the payment for his capture is twenty million.


name: Miki Shiba

powers: jumper, pusher, necromancer


age: 18

last known location: nor polica

crimes: murder, robbery, hijacking

 Shadow race this Flarus magma fields. Warning possibility of death and or burning. The prize is seven mill and a mygik charm. Shadow must be larger than six feet. This is an anything goes race shadows can use there attack, no weapons or attack from the rider. Current race record holders:

Sky: 2'4'35

Hatro: 3'7'58

Kimi: 3'8'01

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